Madhyanchal Gramin Bank IFSC Code

Madhyanchal Gramin Bank is a regional rural bank that serves parts of Madhya Pradesh. It focuses on providing banking services to rural and semi-urban areas. The bank is sponsored by the State Bank of India (SBI), which helps strengthen its services and reach.

This page will guide you in finding the IFSC codes for Madhyanchal Gramin Bank. IFSC codes, such as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, are important for safe and accurate online money transfers. Our guide will help you easily find the IFSC codes for different branches of Madhyanchal Gramin Bank, ensuring smooth and secure transactions.

The IFSC code for the Madhyanchal Gramin Bank is: SBIN0RRMBGB

IFSC Code of Madhyanchal Gramin Bank

Here is everything you need to know about the Madhyachal Gramin Bank IFSC Code details:

Detail Information
Branch Code RRMBGB
Branch Head Office, Sagar
State Madhya Pradesh

Note:The MICR code for this branch is currently not available. For the latest information, please visit the Madhyanchal Gramin Bank official website or contact your branch directly.

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Madhyanchal Gramin Bank Head Office Contact Number

Here is how you can reach out to the Madhyanchal Gramin Bank for any assistance or queries

Name Madhyanchal Gramin Bank
Contact number 07582237318
e-mail address
Address Madhyanchal Gramin Bank Head Office –
Poddar Colony Tili Road, Sagar (M.P.) – 470001
Note: To check the branch details for all the branches of Madhyanchal Gramin Bank, visit the bank’s official website.

Purpose of MICR Code & IFSC Code

IFSC codes facilitate online banking, while MICR codes are essential for the safe and fast clearing of cheques. Here's a point-wise explanation of the purposes of IFSC Code and MICR Code:

Purpose of IFSC Code:

1. Online Transactions: Used for electronic fund transfers like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.

2. Branch Identification: Identifies bank branches for secure and precise online banking.

3. Digital Payments: Essential for making digital payments within India.

4. Error Reduction: Helps prevent transfer errors by ensuring the correct branch is chosen.

Purpose of MICR Code:

1. Cheque Processing: Used for processing and clearing physical cheques quickly.

2. Machine Readability: Printed with magnetic ink for easy machine reading.

3. Verification: Helps validate and authenticate cheques during electronic clearing.

4. Speedy Clearance: Speeds up the cheque clearance process to ensure faster deposits.

Benefits of Using IFSC Code

These benefits highlight the importance of IFSC codes in making online and electronic banking secure, fast, and reliable for users.

1. Accurate Identification: The IFSC code uniquely identifies banks and their branches, ensuring that transactions are directed to the correct location.

2. Easy Fund Transfers: It enables fast and smooth fund transfers through NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, making banking more efficient and user-friendly.

3. Secure Transactions: By accurately identifying bank branches, the IFSC code adds a layer of security, helping to reduce the risk of fraud and ensuring that money reaches the right account.

4. Speeds Up Processing: IFSC codes help speed up the processing of electronic transfers, allowing funds to be moved quickly between accounts.

5. RBI Transaction Monitoring: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) uses IFSC codes to monitor transactions, which helps minimize errors and discrepancies, maintaining the reliability of the banking system.

6. Essential for Online Banking: The IFSC code is crucial for making digital payments, as it helps facilitate electronic fund transfers between banks.

7. Reduces Errors: By providing a specific code for each branch, IFSC codes help reduce manual errors in fund transfers, making transactions more reliable.

8. Facilitates International Payments: While primarily used for domestic transfers, IFSC codes play a part when Indian bank accounts receive international payments, ensuring smooth routing through related banking networks.

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Structure of Madhyanchal Gramin Bank IFSC Code

The IFSC code for each branch of Madhyanchal Gramin Bank is a standard 11-character alphanumeric code, which is shown below.

1. First 4 Characters: Shows the bank code and name of the bank.

2. 5th Character: Always a "0" (zero). This is reserved for future use and acts as a separator between the branch code and the bank code.

3. Last 6 Characters: Represent the branch code, which is unique to each branch.

Ways to Find Madhyanchal Gramin Bank IFSC Code

The following are simple ways that will help you find the Madhyanchal Gramin Bank IFSC code quickly and easily for secure transactions.

1. Visit the Bank’s Official Website & Search for Branch Details

  • Go to the Madhyanchal Gramin Bank's official website. Click on ‘Branches‘ from the header menu.
  • Select the regional office to check all the respective branch details.

2. Check Your Chequebook or Passbook:

  • The IFSC code is usually printed on the top of your bank’s chequebook or the first page of your passbook.

3. Online Banking Portals:

  • Log in to your online banking account, as the IFSC code is often shown in the account details section.

4. RBI Website:

  • Visit the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) official website, which lists all approved IFSC codes for banks in India.

5. Mobile Banking Apps:

  • Check the bank’s mobile app, where branch details and the IFSC code are typically displayed under account information.

More Facts About Madhyanchal Gramin Bank

Here are additional facts about Madhyanchal Gramin Bank:

1. Supports Rural Development: Offers loan products to farmers, small businesses, and self-help groups (SHGs).

2. Economic Growth: Helps boost local economies by providing financial resources to rural communities.

3. Job Creation: Contributes to creating job opportunities in rural areas.

4. Financial Inclusion: Focuses on ensuring access to essential banking services for underserved populations.

5. Community Empowerment: Aims to improve the quality of life and self-sufficiency in rural areas through targeted financial support.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The IFSC code for each Madhyanchal Gramin Bank branch is unique; check the bank’s website or your passbook for the exact code.

Visit the official Madhyanchal Gramin Bank website, the RBI website, or use reliable banking apps to find IFSC codes online.

The IFSC code identifies the specific branch during NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS transactions, ensuring funds go to the correct account.

No, each branch has a unique IFSC code for precise transaction routing.

Verify through the official bank website, RBI website, or trusted financial platforms.

The format is 11 characters long: first 4 characters for the bank, fifth as '0', and the last 6 for the branch.

Madhyanchal Gramin Bank operates in several regions of Madhya Pradesh, India.

IFSC codes generally remain the same but may change during bank mergers or restructuring.

Yes, bank customer support can provide the IFSC code for your specific branch.

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