Dakshin Gramin Bank IFSC Code

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank (DBGB), with over 1,078 branches and more than 3,000 Business Correspondents, is Bihar’s largest Regional Rural Bank, primarily serving 20 districts in southern Bihar. Focused on rural economic development, DBGB provides essential banking services to agriculture, MSMEs, and Self-Help Groups.

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code & MICR codes enable seamless transactions across India, supporting NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS services and aligning with DBGB’s mission of financial inclusion and community growth in rural Bihar.

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code List

The IFSC code for Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank facilitates secure and efficient online transactions connecting users across India with rural banking in Bihar. Below are the specific Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code and branch details for the Patna branch.

Bank Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank
Branch ID 7407
Branch RO Patna
Bank Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank
Branch ID 7407
City Patna
District Patna

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Note:Please verify IFSC codes and branch details with Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank or an official source before proceeding, as updates may occur.
Check the Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code for your respective branch from your bank passbook, by visiting the branch & other mediums.

passbookIFSC Code-An 11-character alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a bank branch for online transactions.

MICR Code- A 9-digit code used by banks to identify the branch location and facilitate the processing of cheques.

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Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank MICR Code

Let’s go through the Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank MICR codes for Patna city branches from below:

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank Patna Branch MICR Code

You can check the MICR codes for Patna, Samastipur, Sheikhpura, Buxar, Lakhisarai, Sasaram, Gaya & other regions from the Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank MICR Code List on the official website.

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code Structure

The IFSC code for Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank is a unique identifier that ensures secure, precise transactions to and from specific branches.The first four characters (PUNB) identify Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank, while the fifth character is always zero (0), reserved for future use.

P U N B 0 M B G B 0 6
Bank Code 0 Branch Code

Find IFSC Code

Here are common ways to locate your Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code:

  • Chequebook: The IFSC code is typically printed on each cheque leaf at the bottom.
  • Passbook: The code is usually displayed on the first page of your bank passbook.
  • Bank Branch: Visit your local bank branch or contact customer service for assistance in obtaining the IFSC code.
  • Online Banking: Log into your net banking account, where the IFSC code can usually be found in the account details or summary section.

Uses of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC Code

The Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code is essential for enabling secure and efficient online transactions across India. Here are its primary uses:

  • Electronic Fund Transfers:The IFSC code is required for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions, allowing funds to be transferred accurately between bank accounts.
  • Branch Identification:It uniquely identifies each branch, ensuring that funds reach the correct destination during transfers.
  • Cheque Processing:The IFSC code aids in routing and processing cheques for clearing.
  • Digital Banking Services:It supports various online banking activities, making transactions accessible and secure for customers across India.

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Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank Branches

Check the Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank branch details for major cities from below:

Branch Branch ID Contact Number
RO Patna 7407 9771446121
Samastipur 3901 9955997810
Sheikhpura 7301 9771464301
Buxar 7023 9771464023
RO Ara 7402 9771446181

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Note that the branch details may change at the discretion of the bank. Please visit the official website for the latest information.

To check the details of all Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank branches, check the branch locator on the official website of Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank.

About Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank

Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank (DBGB) is a Regional Rural Bank (RRB) serving 20 districts in southern Bihar, primarily focused on delivering accessible banking services to rural and semi-urban communities. With an extensive network of 1,078 branches and over 3,000 Business Correspondents (BCs), DBGB is the largest RRB in Bihar and one of the top few in India. The bank’s core mission is to promote economic development in the state by providing financial assistance to vital sectors such as agriculture, MSMEs, and Self-Help Groups (SHGs).

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank IFSC code varies by branch and is unique for each.
To initiate online transactions, you will need the specific IFSC code of the branch associated with the recipient’s account.

You can find your IFSC code on your chequebook, passbook, bank statement, or by visiting your branch. You can also locate it through online banking or reliable financial websites.

IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code, a unique 11-character code that identifies a specific bank branch in India.

Yes, each Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank branch has a unique IFSC code to ensure accurate and secure routing of transactions.

To perform a NEFT transaction, enter the IFSC code of the recipient’s Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank branch along with their account details in your online banking portal.

Yes, the IFSC code is essential for RTGS transactions as it identifies the recipient’s branch, ensuring funds reach the correct destination.

No, for NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transactions, the IFSC code is required to identify the recipient’s branch and ensure the transfer is processed accurately.

The IFSC code can be found on Dakshin Bihar Gramin Bank’s official website, on your net banking platform, or on trusted financial directories and websites.

The IFSC code is crucial for identifying specific branches in electronic fund transfers, ensuring secure, accurate, and efficient transactions.

Yes, the IFSC code is typically printed on your bank statement along with other account details.

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